Strategies to Prevent Protein Energy Malnutrition and Improv | 90005

Medizinische Grundversorgung:Offener Zugang

ISSN - 2167-1079


Strategies to Prevent Protein Energy Malnutrition and Improve Nutrition in Children under 5 years

Lamabam Kamalpriya Devi1* and Kshetrimayum Nalini Devi2

Background: Every country in the world is affected by one or more forms of malnutrition. And it is frequently a result of lack of knowledge of the parents. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding prevention of PEM among mothers of fewer than 5 years children.

Methods: The study was quantitative research approach using pre-experimental research design with one group pretest posttest design on 30 mothers of under 5 years children which is selected by purposive sampling technique from the urban area of Sangam Vihar, New Delhi. The post test data was collected on 7th day after implementation of structured teaching programme.

Result: The mean posttest knowledge score 17 ± 3.333 was higher than the mean pretest knowledge scoring 25 ± 1.832 of mother of under 5 years children regarding prevention of PEM. The computed‘t’ value was found to be statistically significant at 0.05 level of significant. There was no significant association of pretest and posttest knowledge score regarding PEM with selected demographic variables.

Conclusion: The findings revealed that the structured teaching programme regarding prevention of PEM was effective. Therefore, it is recommended to provide knowledge to the mothers of fewer than 5 years children regarding prevention of PEM.