Cropp Positive Displacement Turbine Engine -Half the Size Ha | 80097

Bioenergie und Bioressourcen:Offener Zugang


Cropp Positive Displacement Turbine Engine -Half the Size Half the Weight with Twice the Power

Dr. Richard Cropp

Biomass as renewable energy source is the most desirable future avenue for energy Generation. And a large part of that biomass is available as waste from Human Activities related to food consumption.In a previous talk I mentioned a new System to increase the Gas Output from Anaerobic Digesters and how to depolymerize Plastic to obtain Oil.The Biogas as well as the Oil are Fuels that need to be converted to preferably Electrical Energy as a Source of Income.The issue with this conversion step is that it requires an Internal Combustion Engine for direct Conversion or a Steam Turbine for Indirect Conversion. In this talk you will hear about a new type of Engine that can handle both Task. The new PDT Engine can run on any type of combustible fuel by switching compression ratios. It also can run on Steam or Compressed Air and Water Pressure.This is due to its characteristic as a Turbine that has virtually no bypass loss and it harvests 20-40% more of the inherent energy contained in the charge. We will dive into how these benefits are achieved and how the Biofuel Industry can benefit from it. You will also learn how its minimalist design contributes to environmental Savings during the production Process..